
Contact us

The Association for generally accepted principles in the securities market

Addresses in Stockholm: Nybrokajen 7, 5th floor (office) / Balsieholmsgatan 4B, 4th floor (visitors)
Mailing address: Box 7354, 103 90 Stockholm

Phone: +46 (8) 50 88 22 75
Email: info@godsed.se

Robert Einefors, CEO
Phone: +46 703 77 16 68

Lena Walldin, Office administrator
Phone: +46 (8) 50 88 22 77

Tommy Olsson, Operationally responsible
Phone: +46 728 85 37 24

The Association's executive bodies

• The Swedish Securities Council (Aktiemarknadsnämnden) 
• The Stock Market Self-Regulation Committee (Aktiemarknadens självregleringskommitté) 
• The Swedish Corporate Governance Board (Kollegiet för svensk bolagsstyrning) 
• The Council for Swedish Financial Reporting Supervision (Nämnden för svensk redovisningstillsyn) 
• The Swedish Corporate Reporting Board (Rådet för hållbarhets- och finansiell rapportering)